
FiverPower915's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 78 (From 17 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 855 Points

Sonac the Hodgeman 5

Medals Earned: 3/15 (15/275 points)

Crime Fighter Fighter 5 Points

Defeat the cops for the first time.

Debt 5 Points

Drive your total rangs into the negatives with bail outs.

You're Too Unquickly 5 Points

Get caught.

Lemme Give You a Hand 5 Points

Get your rang count to negative 15 during the chase.

You Played Yourself 5 Points

Send yourself to jail.

Child Support 10 Points

Win with 20 or more rangs as Shelled One.

Gem Collector 10 Points

Collect all the chaos emmastones.

Gotta Fight Quickly 10 Points

Win in under 30 seconds.

Instant Transmission 10 Points

Win with 20 or more rangs as Gambit.

King of the Bouncy Castle 10 Points

Bounce on the cops 5 or more times in a row while they're exploding.

City Escapist 25 Points

Win as every normal character.

Everywahn is Here 25 Points

Have every available character in jail at once.

Fire FighterZ 50 Points

Land the finishing blow on the cops while they're on fire.

Rang Lover 50 Points

Collect 300 total rangs.

Super City Escapist 50 Points

Win as every super character.

Sonac the Hodgeman 6

Medals Earned: 2/15 (10/240 points)

Gotta Funk Quickly 5 Points

Start the game.

You're Too Unquickly 5 Points

Get hurt.

A Blam Shame 5 Points

Blam this game with Tom.

Bachelormobile 10 Points

Collect 50 rangs with Shadoo. Unlocks ???

Bumpy Glide 10 Points

Send 10 bumpers flying with Knackles. Unlocks ???

Put a Rang On It 10 Points

Collect 50 rangs as Sonac. Unlocks ???

Shoot Em Up Down Left And Right 10 Points

Get a Schore over 19990 with Tom. Unlocks ???

Spike Striker 10 Points

Destroy 15 spikes.

Emmastone Hands 25 Points

Collect at least 50 rangs with Funke the Monke...then lose them all.

Rang Lover 25 Points

Collect 300 total rangs.

Shaq Hack 25 Points

Shoot a basket with NFT of Picture of Shaq.

Shut Up and Dribble 25 Points

Hit the same basketball into the ground 3 times without touching the ground yourself.

Streak Calm and Carrey On 25 Points

Get a streak of 40 with Fried Egsg. Unlocks ???

Streaker 25 Points

Get a streak of 50.

Strong Independent Hodgewoman 25 Points

Collect 50 rangs with Amee (not her boyfriend). Unlocks ???

Stealing the Diamond

Medals Earned: 5/11 (165/435 points)

BUNP 5 Points

I TOLD you dog!

01100010 10 Points

6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a

Aggressive Ending 50 Points

Win the aggressive way

Epic Ending 50 Points

Win the epic way

Undetected Ending 50 Points

Win the undetected way

It's a Joke Guys 5 Points

I did it on purpose...

Like a D6 10 Points

Lose 6 points

Failtastic 50 Points

Fail 55 times

Fail Champion 100 Points

Watch all 40 unique fails

Obscure Medal 100 Points

You know you want this medal

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Where's Derpy?

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/60 points)

Oops, my bad! 5 Points

Destroy the town hall in the final level.

Nom 5 Points

Find 16 muffins!

NomNom 5 Points

Find 32 muffins!

Attention Horse 10 Points

Find Lyra (or her sister) in 10 of the levels!

Golden Derp 10 Points

Complete the game!

Muuuffiiiins! 25 Points

Find 48 muffins!

Where's Derpy? 2

Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/145 points)

Nom 10 Points

Find 24 muffins!

NomNom 5 Points

Find 48 muffins!

Alicornication 10 Points

Find Derpy's horn and turn her into an Alicorn Princess!

Red Button 10 Points

Derpy loves to press red buttons!

Too Many Derpy Hooves 10 Points

Find the Mirror Pool so Derpy can go for a swim!

Attention Horse 25 Points

Find Lyra in 11 of the levels!

Derpylicious! 25 Points

Complete the game.

Omnomnom! 50 Points

Find 72 muffins!

Windows 287

Medals Earned: 7/7 (70/70 points)

Chromy 10 Points

Thank you for downloading Chromy, a free and stupid internet browser.

Derpy Text 10 Points

Hint: It's on the desktop

Error Survivor 10 Points

Look at EVERY error.

ERRORS! 10 Points

Thank you fo- wait a second... I INSTALLED ERRORS!?

Explosion! 10 Points

Hint: Bomb.exe

My Computer 10 Points

Hint: It's on the desktop

My Docs 10 Points

Hint: It's on the desktop

Windows 59

Medals Earned: 16/17 (80/85 points)

You booted the OS! 5 Points

Wow! You are so amazing for doing that. Here are 5 points for doing that!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!